Sunday, January 23, 2011

First Finished Objects of 2011!

I'm already off to a faster start than last year! We were away last week and I've never had time to complete anything on vacation, much less three items. That should tell you a lot about our trip. My sister always says "everything isn't for everybody" and our vacation destination definitely wasn't for us. It was nice enough, just not what we expected. I think if we'd done a bit more research we'd have gone somewhere else. Nuff said.

I completed the two hats and the scarf. Machine knitting is faster, but finishing by hand, especially with bum hands, still takes about the same amount of time. This first hat was done using every other needle (EON) over 160 needles (80 used). I thought I'd gotten gauge but if I'd knit it as I was supposed to, I think it would have been too big. The directions called for knitting EON for a set number of rows the pulling the remaining needles into working position and knitting with all needles for a bit then switching back to EON. I forgot this small bit of direction and was happily knitting along when I realized the error. I decided to see what would happen. It fits great and I'll make a couple more of these.

For this hat I was experimenting with one of the Tuck Stitches. I'm not as pleased with it as I am the first one. For one it's a little too short to turn up. If I make this one again, I'll make it longer. It's also a little big. The next time I'll decrease the number of stitches by about a fourth. This pattern also works up into a thicker fabric, somthing to remember when I fold it up. I may also try experimenting with a plain fabric on one side and a patterned fabric on the other.

In hand knitting news, I finished the short row scarf. I'm contemplating using the last skein of yarn and making it longer, but I think I like it this length.

I've done 36 rows on the cowl I've got more hospital waiting room time this week, so I expect to have this finished later this week.




Beverly said...

Wow! You are a quick starter. I'm hoping to get some inspiration so that I can get started again. So far I haven't found it yet. Keep up the good work.

Two Cables and a Frapp said...

Congrats on your first FO's for 2011. I have yet to post mine. The hat is adorable and I love the color. Which would you say you get more pleasure out of ? Machine or hand knitting ?

chicagopurl said...

Yeay! I've got a coupld of things completed and need to post. Oh, I'm going to send you an email so look out for it :)!