Friday, June 6, 2014

This Is What 60 Looks Like

I believe Gloria Steinem said that when she turned the big 6-0.  At 60 you can no longer fool yourself that you're middle aged. At 50 you think, "more and more and more people are living to 100 so maybe..." Almost no one lives to 120. There's more life behind me than in front and that's a sobering thought.  Thanks to God and modern medicine I'm in relatively good health and have few material worries.  The number doesn't bother me so much as does the passage of time.  I can't believe I'm 60. People say it all the time, but I don't know where the time has gone.

I'm grateful that my mother is still here to celebrate with me.  I think of my father everyday and today will be no different.  I miss him everyday and regret not telling him how much I loved and respected him. I have a good husband who loves me unconditionally. And shows me how much he loves me everyday, in ways both big and small.  I gave birth to two wonderful daughters, who have never given me a minute of real worry. I am in awe of them and feel privileged to have had a part in their lives. They are phenomenal women and I'm so proud of them.  I have two more daughters by marriage.  Beautiful, smart young women who are good mothers.  I've got siblings who love me, even though at times we act as the children we once were. Family and friends galore. I an one blessed woman.

I've been very reflective the past few months.  Interestingly enough, I haven't thought about the good times, but every mistake I've made, every regret, every hurt I've received or given, every missed opportunity.  All the ould'ves:  could've, should've, would've.  And I've made a decision.  No more regrets, no more excuses, no more explanations.

We don't eat bananas, but if we did I'd still be buying green ones.  I believe I've still got a some years left, maybe not 60, but some.  I'm making everyday count!




Araignee said...

Happy birthday!
I hit the bit 6-0 in December and went through the same process that you described so well. 60 is not as liberating as 50. It is too close to 70 which is frightful. Don't even get me going about 80. I've seen it up close and I don't like it.

Elaray said...

Happy Birthday, and welcome to the club! I was afraid of turning 60, but it really was not a big seat. You said it all when you said the passage of time is the issue, not the number. Can you believe when we were born there were only 48 states!!!

Continue to enjoy live and may God continue to bless you.

Elaray said...

That should read "not a big DEAL"

Toni said...

Happy birthday!!!!

I met a lovely lady at the gym a couple weeks ago. She's 86, but I would have actually guessed mid 60s. She was in the pool working out, and her workout buddy is a spry 92-year-old. I loved it--apparently we are only as old as we feel.......:)

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I loved your post. Thanks for providing a road map for the years ahead!