Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hello From the USVI!

No, I haven't moved, I am visiting my oldest daughter. We've been trying to plan this trip for quite a while, so when a window of oppotunity opened I jumped. I arrived Tuesday the 27th and will go home next Tuesday.
Not much has happened since I was here last. Just a whole lot of house work. It's been two years since I touched some areas so it was way overdue. The end is in sight and I couldn't be happier. No, the house isn't that big, but I've got to nurse a wonky neck and back. There's been a littlt crafting going on, but that will have to wait unti I'm home again.
Here are some pics from my first full day.

I found these two beauties this morning on a walk around the hotel. There are also lime, mango, pomegrante and soursop trees.

Usually when I go to the beach, I'm hard pressed to find one perfect shell, today I found three!



The Well Fed Wheel said...

Lucky you!! What a beautiful place to visit! I'm envious. The flowers are so pretty. Enjoy your time with your daughter. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip.

Two Cables and a Frapp said...

Great Post! Hope to see more.