Thursday, November 8, 2018

Machine Knitting Update

I've been working with this machine for a good part of the afternoon. It's the Incredible Sweater Machine that you can find in all the big box stores. It's a decent introduction to machine knitting at a really affordable price, especially with a coupon. VBG! There are people all over You Tube and the blogosphere doing great things with this machine. We  were getting along pretty well until it got stuck. I'm tired so I quit before it wound up in a heap at my feet.  These charity hats are more expensive as I knit them in two layers for our winter weather. With crochet I can normally get two individual hats.  I'm not sure the crochet ones are as warm, though. At almost $5 perhaps that's a big outlay. Anyway this is where I finished for today.


1 comment:

Two Cables and a Frapp said...

I hear knitting machines are becoming more popular these days.