Monday, August 11, 2008


My Knit Picks Order came today. It seems as if it took weeks, but it was 10 days. I joined the Ravelympics and want to use the green yarn to knit a tank top for DS#1. I joined Team Overly Ambitious Yet Plausibly Possible. In my case it should be Team Hopelessly Insane. I'm going to try to complete DHs sweater, this tank and the Fake-a-Gamo in 17 days. I had hoped to have both sleeves of the sweater finished, but the first sleeve took Friday, Saturday and part of yesterday. I have a theory, that while knitting stockintte at some point you get sucked into a black hole. I was so tired Saturday night, I thought I had 2 inches left. It was actually 5!!! How did my sleeve shrink 3 inches over night?? I tried to do both sleeves at the same time, but it didn't work.

Since getting out to shop is difficult, hello internet. Risa was clearing out her stash and I bought some CotLin and 3 skeins of Plymouth Encore. The CotLin is going to be used for Soleil, but heck if I can rememer what the Encore is supposed to be. I'll have to go through my patterns and see what pops. I try very hard not to buy yarn without a project in mind. If I don't have a project in mind, I wind up without enough yarn to do anything. I paid through paypal so hopefully it will ship soon.

Then Sheila was selling cones of Cotton yarn for $5 per cone. Depending on shipping I'll get 3 or 4. I want to try dying yarn and she had a gorgeous watermelon yarn that she dyed and I fell in love with it. As soon as I get the shipping amount it's mine!

Notice I said getting out to shop is difficult, but it is not impossible. I went to the Knitters Nest in Eldersburg Saturday. Not only was it accessible to me and my crutches, but it was a neat shop. I limited myself to the new Interweave and a pair of size 9 DPNs. The owner was there and very friendly. I didn't get her name, but she invited me to sign up for her mailing list and to Knit and Tea tomorrow. If I finish at the doctor's early enough, I'd love to go. Off to work on my sweater!


Two Cables and a Frapp said...

Ohhhhhhhhhh !!! New yarn from KnitPicks !!! Nice. Yarn from fellow Ravelers also, nice again. Hope you're off your crutches soon.

Sheila said...

You got so great yarn there. I also purchased some yarn from Sheila and actually have a cone sitting on my sewing table waiting to be dyed and

Anonymous said...

must be knit something with these yarns. i guess must be put there knitted stuff :)

just a idea