I never realized how hard it could be coming up with blog post titles. Today's post is just stuff.
DH's Sweater is coming along. No picture yet, tho as it's not much to look at. After working on this I'm really thinking I should be named Penelope. I've taken this thing out and started it over so much, I'm glad I'm using an inexpensive yarn. A more expensive yarn would be ruined by now. The last time I took it out, it was because I lost track of when I was supposed to be knitting or purling and the side panels looked awful. I finally decided to mark one side of the stitch marker and to flip it between rows. It's works well, except when I forget which side is which!
I found one of the most delightful blogs. She's a 78 year old woman who relocated with her husband to Greensboro from NJ. They live on "Almost an acre farm". She also spins, knits and weaves. Her play room is lots of fun. Check it out if you get a chance! I want to be her when I grow up!
Still hanging on to my pledge not to buy yarn. No that I haven't been tempted, but I also haven't hung out in my drug dens of choice either!
I don't really make resolutions and my pledge not to buy yarn wasn't fueled so much by the New Year, but by the size of my stash. Which admittedly isn't a drop in the bucket by some standards, but it bugs me. On another blog, Towanda had a couple of statements that struck home. "Use the machines that are sitting around gathering dust. Sew more." Just a simple statement, but it's why I started this blog. Even though I'm not sewing for me, there's lots of people for whom I can sew. Quilts I can complete, items I can embroider. Plenty to do.
I'm going to need a second pair of hands.
Hi Melodye, thought I'd stop by and repay your visit :o).I'm sooo glad to meet you in Blogland, and I will be visiting again... One correction I'd like to make,
I'm "78" :o) Until May
I want every day that's due me May will be here soon enough :o)
Thanks for all the compliments.
I feel your pain on the sweater. I have a vest that has been hanging around for at least 2 months and now sitting down to recollect where to pick up. Thanks for the info on Mobius.
you souund like me and my last post. Think my post mojo has left me. I am also trying to use up my stash and not buy yarn. We can do it!
Hi Melodye! I'm glad you visited my blog.I'd like to invite you to a meet-up in Atlanta,March 6th and 7th.It's a sewing expo.Email me for more info,if you can join us.
I need more knitting in my life.My stash is tiny.It takes me forever to finish something,yet I still crave knitting.
I've come to view stashes in the same way I view savings accounts. Everyone should have one as a hedge against lean times, lol!
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