After I left Guss', I remembered that I needed to go the main branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library. Let me say right now I love libraries and feel they are any city's best treasure. Except for fines and some fees Maryland's libraries are free to all. The Pratt library system in Baltimore was endowed by Enoch Pratt in his will and money was never well spent.
My mother took me to get my first library card when I was five and I'v had one ever since. Whenever I've moved someplace new, I locate the library and the fabric stores, then I don't feel so lost. My father took me to the main branch of the Pratt when I was a wee little girl. I remember walking in and looking up and seeing all the books and all the art on the walls and being awstruck. I haven't been to the main branch in years and while it had changed a lot, in some ways it hadn't changed at all. I was looking for "The Care and Feedng of Spinning Wheels". I knew they had it and it was just a matter of going to get it. I could have ordered it from my branch, but there was no guarantee when it would get in. I also picked up several other books on spinning and a DVD that my county system doesn't have. I'll probably buy a couple that I borrowed. I often do this. Try before buying. If I like it I buy it. If not it's there whenever I want to borrow it.
After my last appointment I went to return a book to my branch and pay a fee. They were having a book sale. If you bought the plastic bag for .50 you could fill it for a $1. SCORE! There were a couple of bios for DH on Pete Rozelle and Digger Phelps, some for the grandkids to read, a couple of mysteries. BUT, I got 11 knitting books. I told myself not to be greedy to leave some for the next person, but I didn't. I took them all. I've been meaning to buy the Vintage Socks book. I know I don't knit socks, but there were some in there that I liked. I've probably borrowed this book a dozen times. It just dawned on me. Why am I trying to justify this. They were practically free. And next to the names of my family, free is my favorite word.
Days like this show me that I'll enjoy retirement. I'll just have to get used to reduced income. NOT!
Wow! Great book score!
I wonder why the library was giving away their knitting books... most of those are very recent.
Kathleen, I'm not sure either. DH said the two I got for him didn't look as if they'd ever been read. The knitting books were used, but in good shape. Thanks for stopping by!
You made a good hit , I remember one of them is fairly new! Books are good forever..Ginny
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