Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's hard

to believe that I retired one year ago today. I looked over the posts from this past year and it has been fun. I accomplished more than I thought but not as much as I wanted. But that's life. This year has been revealing in lots of ways, but it affirmed one thing I've always known. I hate sitting around doing nothing. So much so that some days I've even contemplated going back to work just to have something to do. But I really don't want a job. My attempts at volunteering have not panned out and I'm not sure why. Something to look at over the summer. All in all it's been a positive change and I'm glad I did it.

To combat those days, when "I don't have anything to do" I'm going to start a list of things I'd like to do or even need to do to.

Miss Ginny, I didn't realize I sounded so bad. I didn't mean to. I've considered raised beds but I'm not sure the dreaded neighborhood covenant will allow them. There are gardens here, but definitely no hoop houses. But that would solve the problem. I'm definitely going to can this year, but planned on visiting pick your own farms and farmer's markets. You make canning look, if not exactly easy, doable. I love the idea of fresh food in the winter. Even though we have a relatively large freezer, it's almost full and I'm leery of keeping it full too long. We lost the contents a few years ago due to a prolonged power outage and throwing away the contents was painful. The local pantries were overwhelmed and they were without power as well.

On a more personal note, I'm really trying to lose this weight. I finally got the exercise part under control, but that alone isn't going to cut it. I started going to the Y in March for water aerobics and yoga and have lost a grand total of 4 pounds. Getting my eating under control is going to be a lot harder. I'm starting to cook more (sigh) and really watching what I put in my mouth. I love to eat so that's challenging. Some things fit better, but it's going to take a lot of work. I have closets full of clothes so I'm going to give this a real try before buying or making more.

For the first time in years, I won't be going to Maryland Sheep and Wool. It's Mother's Day weekend and I'll be in Myrtle Beach with my mom. The guy from whom I bought the $10 fleeces contacted me, he's got more fleece for me, gratis. I just have to pick it up so I'll have lots to keep me busy. I do need to order some dyes though. I do lave lots of Easter egg dyes, but I'd like to try some others.

I don't know if I posted or not, but my dye garden last year didn't work well. Part of it was my arms and I left the plants in the ground too long. Part of it was most likely my technique. Some of them made it through the winter, a couple of others self seeded, so I'll try again.

I think that's it for now.




Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

Melodye, I'm with you on the canning..farmers markets and sometimes roadsides have good bargains..and power outages are beasts..canning is work, but well worth it...a Ball's Canning book will show and tell you how..and a good canning pot cost good money but worth it in the end...I love that your considering it...
Retirement isn't always easy...

Araignee said...

I am coming up on my 1 year anniversary of being retired next month and like you, have had my ups and downs. It takes a lot of self discipline to have so much time on your hands and I've struggled with it all year. I think I am just now learning to appreciate this precious gift of time, but it was a long journey. Right now, all I keep thinking about is how I am going to make it through the day without Oprah!
Best wishes!

Sharon said...

I will have been retired two years on the 17th of this month. It took at least the first year for me to realize that I really didn't have to go back! Now I'm just soaking up the rays.