Sunday, July 5, 2015

Tour de Fleece (TdF) 2015 - Day 1 and 2

I'm participating this year with the Moms With Yarn Group on Ravelry.  We're not spinning as part of the larger TdF group. I'm really spinning just for fun and don't expect to win any prizes.  My goal this year is to just spin every day depending on my my back and hip. The things I used to take for granted!

I'm working on that small Romney Fleece I started earlier this year.  I really do like the sample yarn I spun, I just don't know what the final yarn wants to be! The original plan was to ply each of the colors together, but I'm leaning towards chain plying it into a gradient.  Plenty of time for a decision.

Here's the fleece:

Day 1 and 2 of the medium locks.  The individual medium locks have the entire color range. I love this fleece!




Araignee said...

Lovely fleece!

Spinster Beth said...

How amazing to go from that first picture, to the second!