Monday, October 29, 2018

The Adventure Begins

I've wanted to make this coat for quite awhile. I bought the fabric well over 20 years ago from a fabric store that no longer exists. In fact I can't even remember it's name. I bought 5 yards of it and put it away, knowing I'd make a coat sometime. Then life happened and that idea went on the back burner.

A few years ago, I saw the pattern and knew I'd found my coat. I bought the lining, interfacing and contrasting fabric from Guss's Woolens.  They've also gone out of business. Once again life happened.

 Fast forward to now. I need a new winter coat. I have a jacket for everyday, a special occasion coat, but my coats for church and the like need to be replaced. I'm really trying to use up what I've got which is where this coat comes in.  With the exception of the sheet (for muslins) everything comes from stash. There's even a faux leather skirt ($1.00 thrift store find years ago) that I'm considering for the contrast instead of the black woolen I originally bought.

 I'm giving myself until the end of November to finish. Today I gathered everything together and read the instructions. Tomorrow, I'll cut out the pattern pieces and hopefully layout the pieces for the muslin.

I checked Pattern Review and surprisingly there was only one review. I'm surprised as I see so many possibilities with this pattern. I think I'll make the longer one next time, but I'll have to buy fabric for that one!  Oh well, I'm going in. Wish me luck!



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